.Episode 2.


.Volume 2 Episode 2.
.the Great Escape….
When we face stressful situations, the system designed to keep us alive - fight or flight - kicks in.
Typically it’s one or the other but in the face of the Cost of Living Crisis, we’re seeing both interconnecting with each other - a fight to enable flight.
.The 'fight'....
As mentioned in the last episode, we’re all seeking some joy in our lives. But it’s difficult to focus on joy when there’s so much chaos swirling around. Knowledge can be a powerful tool in providing a sense of calm.
.The 'flight'....
It’s only when we feel we have done our very best to educate ourselves on how to cut back, can we fully enjoy moments.
.Knowledge is power.
Things are undeniably worse this month than the previous month. Whether it’s a new roof, children’s birthday parties, a wedding, or a hefty energy bill, we are feeling the pinch even more.
But rather than feel beaten down, we are looking for ways to have agency over the situation – or at least the things that feel within their control – with a little help from others.

.play voice clip.

The omniscient community…
People are combating price increases by arming themselves with knowledge.

Last month we saw local communities being used as a support system, this month support and information networks extend to the online world…
As trust in government and brands continues to diminish we’re looking to peers as reputable sources of knowledge. Advice is coming from ‘regular’ people in similar situations with first-hand experiences, meaning the tips and tricks are relevant and useful. This is evident in the role of social media and online communities. Its strength is in numbers – anyone can contribute to it subverts traditional institutions of information. And more people mean more information, more ideas and more affirmation. They know if 100s of people are raving about a must-have energy-saving product, it’s got to be doing something right! Though it’s key to bear in mind that each source has a distinct role to play…

.Used for.
Learning about movements that drive change e.g. “Don’t Pay”
Cheap recipes and new products that help to save money
.Values lived & Emotional reward.
Empowered to contribute to the change they want to see
Optimism about the future
Creative by trying out new dishes
Feeling of success of hunting down money saving tips

Finding cheap deals and discount codes
Feeling the success of being able to get what they need or want at a lower price

Finding relevant articles and easily share with friends and family via DMs
Feeling knowledgeable and being kind by sharing information with others

Finding cheap and delicious recipes (Madeline Olivia seen as ‘the guru’ for this type of videos)
Ability to express creativity and feel excited about trying a new dish

The most up to date information and tips on how to save money
Informed and ready to tackle any challenges that may lie ahead

Updates on changing financial policies

.All hail the air fryer.

.play voice clip.
One of the top pieces of advice from the online community is to open their wallets, input their card details and click ‘order’.
Spending money in a time when people are trying to cut costs may not seem logical but for some of us it's a mindset of ‘you’ve got to spend money to save money’. It’s all about a new definition of value for money now. Let’s have a look at the products delivering on that…
.Star products communities are raving about.

.Air Fryer.


The best thing about an oven is the little attention food needs while it’s cooking. But convenience comes at a cost. With air fryers, it’s possible to have the best of both worlds. Not only are they energy efficient and easy, they also create delicious meals.
As days are getting colder, it’s tempting to just live under a blanket. Thankfully Oodie makes this possible. Their soft wearable fleece blanket means it can always be cosy and warm, wherever you go.
We all have that one local coffee shop by the office we love. The thing is, they are ££! Using a Thermos to store home-brewed coffee helps us stay awake without having to splash the cash.
.The flight to joy.

.The biggest reward of being informed is the peace of mind it brings.
.Immersing into other worlds.

As we’ve seen, seeking out knowledge provides a sense of achievement and empowerment. This helps lessen the feeling of guilt, which has now become a persistent but unwanted companion to having fun in the Cost of Living crisis.
Knowing that they have done their bit to stay informed allows headspace to switch off from the cycle of depressing news, forget reality, and seek joy.
Truly switching off from reality means getting out of this world and transporting ourselves to another planet entirely. Be that alone or with friends and family.
There are numerous ways to do this. Last month we saw streaming services as friendly companions during this difficult time, this month we’re seeing them as a means to transport us to a different place, far, far away from the Cost of Living crisis… another potential reason to keep hold of that subscription?!

But we’re also seeing theatre and gaming as other mediums to get away from daily struggles and land in an entirely different world….

Pure entertainment, distraction from reality and a special treat
Joy and connection with others

Escapism by having the licence to take on another role and another challenge
A feeling of excitement, stress relief, joy from winning and connection with others if playing with friends

TV / Film
Forgetting real-life struggles by immersing into another person’s story
Escapism from reality and permission to forget about any troubles during the episode / film

Sadly guilt-free fun has an expiry date… and then it’s time for the next information fix…
Once we have got our hit of joy, it’s time to go back to reality and update ourselves on the crisis and educate ourselves further.
(staying informed, tips & tricks)
(switching off and seeking joy)
.Thought starters:.
.what does it all mean?.
Knowledge feels like a vital ingredient to managing the Cost of Living crisis. Not only does it provide us with the feeling of being in control, but also the permission to escape too. Now isn’t the time to be spending without having done thorough research. How can brands provide those nuggets of information and moments of relaxation?

How can your brand bring a sense of escapism during this difficult time?
How can your brand be a space for people to share their experiences?
What cost saving information can you leverage to encourage people to engage with your products?
.Want to know more about. .what it means for your brand?.
.Or perhaps you’ve questions you’d like. .us to cover in the next three months?.
.Feel free to send us an email to.get in touch & find out more!

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+1 (332) 201 5096

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+44 (0)20 7043 1022
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